Saturday, 13 August 2011

RRB 16595 Assistant Loco Pilots(ALP) Recruitment 2011 & Apply Online

Railway Recruitment Board(RRB) has Invites the Application For Assistant Loco Pilots(ALP) Recruitment Notification 2011.

Name oF the Post : Assistant Loco Pilots(ALP)
Total Vacancies : 16595
Pay of Scale : 5200-20200, Grade Pay 1900
Age : 18-30

Qualification/ Eligibility : Matriculation OR its Equivalent Under 10 + 2 System and Course Completed Act.Apprentice OR ITI in Any of the Following Specific Trades Recognized by SCVT/NCVT Like Fitter, Electrician, Instrument Mechanic, Mill Wright/Maintenance Mechanic, Mechanic Radio & TV, Electronics Mechanic, Mechanic Motor Vehicle, Wire man, Tractor Mechanic, Armature & Coil Winder, Mechanic Diesel, Heat Engine, Machinist, Turner, Refrigeration & AC Mechanic.


Diploma in Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics/Automobile Engineering Recognized By AICTE in Lieu or ITI

Examination Fee :

No examination fees for women candidates, SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen/Muslim/Christian
Buddhist/Zoroastrians (Parsis) candidates.

Economically backward class candidates whose family Income Is less than Rs. 50,000. per annul are exempted from examinations fees. (They have to produce Income certificate on letter head In the prescribed format as shown in the Annexure·7 to waive off Examination fees for RRB Examinations)

Unreserved OBC Male Candidates · Examination fees have been indicated against the post.The examination fees are non·refundable. It should be paid in the form of a crossed Demand Draft to be drawn at the main branch of any of the Nationalized Banks, or in the form of Crossed Indian Postal Order drawn in favor of CHAIRMAN/‘MEMBER SECRETARY/DY SECRETARY/SECRETARY/ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF CONCERNED RAILWAY RECRUITMENT BOARD” valid fora period of six months .The Bank Drafts/Indian Postal Orders should be Location Where the Concerned RRB(as Per Para 15) is Situated.the Indian Postal Order/Bank Drafts should not been obtained earlier than the date of issue of this Centralized Employment Notice or after the closing date of receipt of application.

Candidates should write the Centralist Employment Notice No., Name of the post applied for, Category Number of the post and his/her name and postal address on the reverse side of the Bank Draft/Front side at the space provided in the Indian Postal Order.

Remittance of examination fees in any other form except Bank Draft Indian Postal Order will not be accepted.

The particulars of Bank Draft/Indian Postal Order submitted as examination fees should also be indicated at the prescribed place in the application form. (Stem No. 5 (a) of information sheet) An application not accompanied with Bank Draft/Indian Postal Order requisite amount wherever
required towards examination fees will be summarily Rejected

How to Apply : The application format as per annexure 1 & 2 should be Filled up by the candidate in his/her own handwriting, with blue or black ball point pen (not in pencil, fountain pen or gel pen) dated and signed. Only intentional numerical Ls. 1,2,3 etc. should be used. The application form should be filled up in English or in Hindi only. strictly observing all the instructions given in this Employment Notice The candidates; should affix his/her normal signature English or in Hindi in the application form, Applications signed in capital letters/spaced out letters will be treated as invalid.The candidates Name, Address with Pin Code, Date of Birth, Father Name and nearest Railway Station should be written legibly in English in bold capital letters, even if the candidate fills up the application form in Hindi.

Photographs : One recent (mi earlier than three months from the dam of application) color passport size photograph with Clear Front view cf the candidate without cap and sunglasses should be pasted on the application form in the space provided. Xerox copy of photographs is no permitted. Candidates should sign in the space provided in the box below the photograph. One identical extra color passport size photograph should be enclosed with the application, indicating candidates name and category number on the reverse cf the photograph. Candidates may note that the RRB may reject at any stage for pasting old/unclear photograph on the application or fol any significant variations between photograph pasted in the application and the actual physical appearance of the candidate.

In item No.9 of application form, the candidates should indicate any clear visible marks of identification can their body like a mole on the nose, cut—mark on the forehead, or a scar mark below the left arm, etc.

The application form of the candidate is liable to be rejected if he/she does not indicate clear identification marks.Candidates should copy the paragraph at item No. 13 of the information sheet in English/Hindi in their own running handwriting (not in capital/spaced out letter), otherwise their applications will be rejected.

Candidates should put their Left Hand thumb impression at the designated places in the Application Form and in the Information Sheet. The thumb impression must be clear and complete Ridges of the thumb Impression must be clearly visible.

Applications which are illegible. Incomplete, unsigned. signed in capital letters, not in prescribed format, without photo candidate, nut having lPO/DD or having IPO/DD purchased before date at issue of and alter closing date of Centralized Employment Notice are liable to be rejected.

The envelope containing the application should be clearly superscribed “Application for the Post ASSISTANT LOCO PILOTS Category No. 01 Centralized Employment Notice No.D1I2¤11 & Community (SC/ST/OBC/Ex-SM)”. if the post and category ls not indicated on the top of the envelope containing application, the same will not be entertained.

Application Form Star From : 13 August 2011

Last Date : 12 September 2011

Click Here For Application Form

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